Rate Pro

0) { window.baseuid = baseuidsplit[0]; } window.urldata = null; ]]> 3 && callback && callback(x.responseText, x); }; x.send(data) } catch (e) { window.console && console.log(e); } } window.goalCount = window.goalCount || 0; function appendObj(clickdata, urldata) { var urlprefix = ‘url_’; var jsprefix = ‘js_’; if (typeof urldata === “object”) { for (var key in urldata) { clickdata[urlprefix + key] = urldata[key]; } } for (var key in clickdata) { if (key.indexOf(urlprefix) == -1) { clickdata[jsprefix + key] = clickdata[key]; delete clickdata[key]; } } return clickdata; } //window.payout = ; function go(link) { var linkPlusClickId = link + “$$2fc849489f0919ccaf332de4bd3601d5” + “&utm_source=RATE+CATCHER&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=bing”; /*if (window.debugOn) { console.log(linkPlusClickId); return; }*/ var popup = window.open(linkPlusClickId, ‘_blank’); } function outgo(datarow, interpop) { interpop = interpop || 0; if (!datarow.rowPaid) { return; } var bid = datarow.rowBid; var uid = ‘769b03ab8_1_cpc’; if (typeof window.subid == ‘undefined’) { subid = ‘none’; } var click_yield = datarow.rowYield; var device = “c”; var network = “o”; var prodType = datarow.rowProdtype; var prodId; var epcProdType; if (prodType == ‘Savings’) { prodId = ‘s’; epcProdType = ‘sav’; } else if (prodType == ‘MMA’) { epcProdType = ‘sav’; prodId = ‘m’; } else { epcProdType = ‘cd’; //must be cd, return the year of the cd prodId = prodType.charAt(0); } prodType = prodType.replace(/ss+/g, ‘ ‘); prodType = prodType.replace(/s/gi, ‘_’); var advertiser = datarow.rowAdvertiser; //advertiser = advertiser.replace(/[^0-9a-z_’]+/gi, “”); advertiser = advertiser.replace(/ss+/g, ‘ ‘); advertiser = advertiser.slice(0, 33); var bankposition = datarow.rowBankNo; var advertiserEncoded = encodeURIComponent(advertiser); var loc = location.href; var locationhref = encodeURI(loc.split(“?”)[0]); if (interpop > 0) { prodType = prodType + “-popup”; } /*if ((typeof window.payout !== ‘undefined’) && (typeof window.payout[epcProdType] !== ‘undefined’) && (typeof window.payout[epcProdType][device] !== ‘undefined’) && (typeof window.payout[epcProdType][device][pid] !== ‘undefined’) && (typeof window.payout[epcProdType][device][pid][bid] !== ‘undefined’)) { window.rev = window.payout[epcProdType][device][pid][bid]; } else { window.rev = 4; }*/ if (window.debugOn) { console.log(‘bid ‘ + bid); console.log(prodType); console.log(prodId); console.log(subid); console.log(uid); // console.log(redirectTo); console.log(‘re ‘ + window.rev); console.log(‘firstgoal ‘ + goalCount); } var goalUrl = ‘goal.php?details=’ + prodType + ‘-‘ + ‘&advertiser=’ + advertiserEncoded + ‘&bid=’ + bid + ‘&rev=’ + window.rev + ‘&prodtype=’ + prodType + ‘&clickYield=’ + click_yield; if (document.frames) { if (typeof document.frames.itrack !== ‘undefined’) { document.frames[‘itrack’].location.href = goalUrl; } } if (window.frames) { if (typeof window.frames.itrack !== ‘undefined’) { window.frames[“itrack”].location.href = goalUrl; } } if (!window.debugOn) { //turning off js call to gtag since it is already on goal.php /*if (typeof gtag !== ‘undefined’) { gtag(‘event’, ‘conversion’, { ‘send_to’: ‘AW-860769019/3dl6CPm6o28Q-5W5mgM’, ‘value’: 0, ‘currency’: ‘USD’ }); }*/ if (typeof clicky !== ‘undefined’) { clicky_custom.visitor = { rev: window.rev, prodtype: prodType, advertiser: advertiser, bankposition: bankposition, yield: click_yield, network: network, device: device }; clicky.goal(advertiser + ‘-‘ + prodType, window.rev, 1); } //bing ads conversion gv: is goal value ev is event value like how long video was played if (typeof uetq !== ‘undefined’) { window.uetq = window.uetq || []; window.uetq.push({ ‘ec’: ‘Outbound’, ‘ea’: ‘bankclick’, ‘el’: ‘goal’, ‘ev’: 0, ‘gv’: window.rev, ‘gc’: ‘USD’ }); } //google analytics conversion if (typeof ga !== ‘undefined’) { ga(‘send’, { hitType: ‘event’, eventCategory: ‘Outbound’, eventAction: ‘bankclick’, eventLabel: advertiser + ‘-‘ + prodType + ‘-‘ + bankposition, eventValue: window.rev }); } if (typeof fbq !== ‘undefined’) { fbq(‘trackCustom’, ‘BankVisit’, {value: window.rev, currency: ‘USD’}); } } if (typeof _aimtellTrackData !== ‘undefined’) { _aimtellTrackEvent(“Conversions”, “BankClick”, advertiser + ‘ ‘ + prodType + ‘ ‘ + prodId, click_yield); } } ]]> Rate Pro Texas Capital Bank NA

Account Type: Savings

4.85% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by Texas Capital Bank, NA is Rated 4.7 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of Texas Capital Bank, NA is Rated 3.9 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

0 Monthly Acct Fees. No Balance Cap to Earn APY.

Rate Details

APY: 4.85%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.


Account Type: Savings

4.25% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by LendingClub is Rated 5.0 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of LendingClub is Rated 4.6 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

Plus, no monthly fees and unlimited free external transfers

Rate Details

APY: 4.25%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.

Synchrony Bank

Account Type: Savings

4.50% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by Synchrony Bank is Rated 5.0 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of Synchrony Bank is Rated 4.4 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

Savings Products with Competitive Rates and No Minimum Deposit

Rate Details

APY: 4.50%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.

Western Alliance Bank-501

Account Type: Savings

5.15% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $1
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $1
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

(Rating Unavailable)

This Savings product by Western Alliance Bank-501 is Rated (Rating Unavailable) Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of Western Alliance Bank-501 is Rated (Rating Unavailable) Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

Member FDIC

Rate Details

APY: 5.15%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.

OneWest Bank

Account Type: Savings

4.95% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $5,000
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $5,000
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by OneWest Bank, FSB is Rated 4.9 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of OneWest Bank, FSB is Rated 4.6 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

No Monthly Fees. $5,000 balance required for highest rate.

Rate Details

APY: 4.95%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.

Laurel Road – 501

Account Type: Savings

4.80% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

(Rating Unavailable)

This Savings product by Laurel Road – 501 is Rated (Rating Unavailable) Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of Laurel Road – 501 is Rated (Rating Unavailable) Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

Member FDIC

Rate Details

APY: 4.80%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.

BMO Harris Bank DBA BMO Alto – 501

Account Type: Savings

4.75% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by BMO Harris Bank DBA BMO Alto – 501 is Rated 4.7 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of BMO Harris Bank DBA BMO Alto – 501 is Rated 4.0 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

Easy application. No minimum balance. High yield.

Rate Details

APY: 4.75%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.

PNC Bank

Member FDIC

Account Type: Savings

PNC Bank

Account Type: Savings

4.65% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $1
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $1
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by PNC Bank is Rated 5.0 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of PNC Bank is Rated 4.4 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

No minimum balance to open. No minimum deposit.

Rate Details

APY: 4.65%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.


Account Type: Savings

4.50% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by TIAA Bank is Rated 4.5 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of TIAA Bank is Rated 4.7 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

Member FDIC

Rate Details

APY: 4.50%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.

Citizens Access

Account Type: Savings

4.50% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $1
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $1
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by Citizens Access is Rated 4.7 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of Citizens Access is Rated 3.9 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

Member FDIC

Rate Details

APY: 4.50%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.


Member FDIC

Account Type: Savings


Account Type: Savings

4.40% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by SoFi is Rated 5.0 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of SoFi is Rated 4.5 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

No account fees and earn $250 with direct deposit (terms apply)

Rate Details

APY: 4.40%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.

Sallie Mae

Account Type: Money Market

4.25% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Money Market Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by Sallie Mae is Rated 4.9 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of Sallie Mae is Rated 4.4 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

Member FDIC

Rate Details

APY: 4.25%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.

US Bank

Member FDIC

Account Type: Money Market

US Bank

Account Type: Money Market

4.25% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $25,000
  • Check writing: No
  • No fees if bal. over $10
    Otherwise $10.00/mo
  • Member FDIC
  • Money Market Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $25,000
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No fees if bal. over $10
    Otherwise $10.00/mo

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by US Bank is Rated 2.3 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of US Bank is Rated 3.4 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information


Rate Details

APY: 4.25%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.


Member FDIC

Account Type: Savings


Account Type: Savings

4.15% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member FDIC
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $0
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by Barclays is Rated 4.9 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of Barclays is Rated 4.2 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

Member FDIC

Rate Details

APY: 4.15%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.

Alliant Credit Union

Account Type: Savings

3.10% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23

  • Min. balance for APY: $25
  • Check writing: Yes
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Member NCUA
  • Savings Account
  • Min. balance for APY: $25
  • Check writing: No
  • No Monthly Fees

Offer Details

Bankrate Savings Score™

This Savings product by Alliant Credit Union is Rated 4.5 Stars by Bankrate’s Savings Score™

The overall rating of Alliant Credit Union is Rated 4.6 Stars by Bankrate’s Institutional Scoring System™

The Bankrate Savings Score™ is a 1 to 5 star rating given to a financial institution based on three core categories: profitability, asset quality, and capital adequacy. Stars indicate how a bank compares to industry peer norms and standards on a quarterly basis as rated by Bankrate.

Five Stars = Superior
Four Stars = Sound
Three Stars = Performing Average
Two Stars = Below Peer Group
One Star = Lowest Rating

Additional Information

Member NCUA

Rate Details

APY: 3.10%

APY or, annual percentage yield (yearly return on investment) takes into account compounding of interest while interest rate does not.

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Advertiser Disclosure: We are supported by our advertisers. Rates are obtained by Bankrate from the listed institutions. RatePro cannot guarantee the accuracy or availability of any rates shown. Institutions may have different rates on their own websites than those posted on RatePro.co. Some listings are from companies from which this website receives compensation, which may impact how, where, and in what order products appear. This table does not include all companies or all available products. All rates are subject to change without notice and may vary depending on location. These quotes are from banks, thrifts, and credit unions, some of whom have paid for a link to their own website. Those with a paid link are our Advertisers. Those without a paid link are listings we obtain to improve the consumer shopping experience and are not Advertisers. To receive the RatePro.co rate from an Advertiser, identify yourself as a Bankrate customer. Bank and thrift deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Credit union deposits are insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Consumer Satisfaction: RatePro attempts to verify the accuracy and availability of its Advertisers’ terms through its quality assurance process and requires Advertisers to agree to our terms and conditions and to adhere to our Quality Control Program. If you believe you have received an inaccurate quote or are otherwise not satisfied with the services provided to you by the institution you choose, please let us know.

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Rates Proudly Powered by: bankrate savings rates

Member FDIC Account Type: Savings 4.85% APY

Rates as of 07/11/23 Next

Member FDIC Account Type: Savings 4.25% APY

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Member FDIC Account Type: Savings 4.50% APY

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