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Infinite Banking Resources

Hello, we at I&E are glad you took a moment to stop on by. You may be among the many that realize there is a problem with the status quo financial advice we have been given.

The Problem: A volatile stock market and potential losses, an unknown future due to lack of specific planning, the high likelihood of potential future tax increases, and the fear of not having enough money for retirement.

The good news is there is a solution, one that allows you to separate from Wall Street, plan your future on your terms, protect your assets from future tax increases, and provide ample resources for retirement through the implementation of infinite banking.

As you will see below, we offer many different resources covering all things infinite banking. And we are sure that after you have taken a little while to look around you will see that we are experts at helping our clients get the best dividend paying whole life insurance, as well as formulating a plan on how to implement the infinite banking strategy.

Below you will find some of our webinars, complimentary e-book and many other articles all pertaining to infinite banking.

Free Infinite Banking Webinars

How to “Become Your Own Banker” with Whole Life

Boost Your Real Estate Income with Infinite Banking

Free Infinite Banking eBook

View More Ebooks and Guides

Infinite Banking Articles

Using Life Insurance as Your Own Bank [7 Steps]
In our continuing series on the infinite banking concept® we wanted to lay out a framework of how banking with life insurance actually works. If you are already convinced that using life insurance as your own personal bank is the way to go, then why not give us a call today for a complimentary strategy session. Infinite Banking Wiki [Your Comprehensive Guide To IBC]
infinite banking reviewsIn this article, we have attempted to create a wiki for Infinite Banking to help categorize and educate our visitors on the various aspects of this important concept. There are many links in this article that will take you to various other topics pertaining to infinite banking, so please click on any that look interesting. How to Triple Your Real Estate Returns with Infinite Banking
real estate infinite bankingThe following video is a webinar offered by us here at I&E on how to triple your real estate returns with infinite banking. For your convenience, we have also provided the full transcript below. After watching the video and/or reading the transcript, we invite you to schedule a call with Barry.

View More Infinite Banking Articles


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